martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Welcome The aim of this blog is to know a little more about marketing through the internet

A company enters the market when it needs marketing .This will help the products offered by the small company is best known for customers.

But... not much money is needed?

No, because today technology has advanced and thanks to this advance can make the marketing cheaper and even free

These are the two ways of doing internet marketing:

In this century XXI person in the world that does not have a social media . I think most have any because it is an environment where we can communicate with our family, friends or a work colleague or partner.
Some of these networks are Facebook, twitter and YouTube Instagram.These social media is not only to communicate today is also used for marketing.Once you create an account on any of this network you can make your products and publications revealing and customer.

I leave a link so they can learn more about social media, on their strategies

How to Build a Social-Media Strategy That Works

12 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy

If you want to attract and engage social-media fans and followers — and convert them into paying customers — you need to map out a clear, goal-oriented social media plan. If you don’t, it will be obvious to your fans and target market that you are disorganized. In addition to damaging your brand, you’ll risk losing sales by sending your audience to your competitors.

12 Steps to Social Media Marketing Success 

  • Research and know your audience. What topics and interests are they are most social about? What problems are they trying to solve? What are their pain points? 
  • Use the same social networks as your audience. Are Facebook and Twitter their platforms of choice? Do most of them use Pinterest and Instagram? Go where your target audience is to create awareness,engagement, and brand ambassadors.
  • Identify your KPIs (key performance indicators. They measure progress toward your goals. What do you want your social media efforts to accomplish? What does success look like in quantifiable terms?

  • Write a social media marketing playbook. The playbook should detail your KPIs, audience profiles, brand personas, campaign concepts, promotional events, contests,content themes, crisis management plan, etc. Make sure to tailor strategies that are unique to each of your social media channels.
  • Align the people at your company with the plan. Get everyone on board with your strategy. Divide responsibilities among your team, such as who is in charge of posting to your blog and each social media network, who will respond to comments and @mentions, and who will own metrics tracking and reporting.

  • Set aside some time at the beginning of each week to prepare. Take 30-60 minutes to schedule tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts, Pinterest pins, and other social media content. Come up with some original ideas, links to your own content, and links to outside content that is useful or interesting to your audience. 
  • Develop a content marketing calendar. Use one of the example spreadsheets I’ve created as a starting point to plan content topics, headlines, related links, desired scheduling, name of authors, etc. 
  • Post content that is relevant to newsworthy topics and events. As soon as breaking news comes out about anything related to your brand or industry, you should share your opinion and become part of the conversation.
  • Treat all of your social channels differently. Don’t post the same message everywhere — remember who the audience is on each platform and how they interact. What works on Facebook will fall flat on Twitter, and vice versa.
  • Assign someone to act as a customer service rep. It’s vital to be responsive to user generated content, comments, and feedback (positive or not). CRM (customer relationship management) is a fundamental to social media marketing success.
  • Schedule metrics reporting. Reporting metrics can occur weekly, monthly, or bimonthly depending on your goals and desired outcomes. 
  • Reanalyze your plan on a regular basis. If something in your plan isn’t working, switch it up or do some A/B testing to determine what your audience responds to better. Use 2 versions of your content simultaneously and measure to see which one is more successful and use it going forward.

We can also do marketing through Google Adwords program created by the company Google. This program allows us to reach new customers and the company who hire the service more visible. But before using this tool must know how to use it.

In this video you can learn more about google adwords

To make any marketing or advertising must first employ a marketing plan because it allows us a systematic and structured to define our objectives and meet in a given period.

What is the reason for making this plan?

The reason is because it helps achieve the overall objectives of the company, which are market-related, such as: training of new customers, branding, customer loyalty, increases or increases in market share.

In the following video you can detail more about the marketing plan.

10 Questions to Ask When Creating a Social-Media Marketing Plan